Have you ever said to yourself “man if I would have just got up 15 minutes earlier I could have……..….” I know I have. You can fill in the blank, but that extra 15 minutes could‘ve meant that you had a less stressful ride in to work, got a head start on that project before the chaos of the day started, had extra time to pray or read your bible, or any number of other useful things. I still occasionally fall into the trap of poor time management skills, but I am much better at it now. One of the things that helped was being more absolute with the time I MUST get up in order to have that “extra” time available. This brings me to the Snooze Alarm….it’s a love hate relationship that I am working on severingJ. The average person hits the Snooze Alarm 2-3 times a day. If you fall into that group it is easy to see that after two snooze cycles you could be starting your day on the run. So just cutting back on the amount of snooze hits would be a start. As I discussed in an earlier post though, regarding planning and writing things out the night before, adding the “absolute” time you will begin your day will help you find that elusive extra 15 minutes. It sounds simple, but in the beginning until it becomes a habit, the act of writing it down, seeing it, and reading it the night before will produce great results the next morning. In John Carinci’s book, “The Power of Being Different”, he discusses how gaining a small of time can really add up over the long haul. He offers a glaring example of what an “extra” 15 minutes a day could mean; it would equate to an extra 1 ¾ hours a week, 7 plus extra hours a month and more than 91 hours a year.
What could you do with an “extra” 91 hours a year? How do you “squeeze” more time out of your days? Let me know below.