In his book, “The Power of Positive Thinking”, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale says in Chapter 3, “….our physical condition is determined very largely by our emotional condition, and our emotional life is profoundly regulated by our thought life.” Although his book was first published in the 1950’s, Peale discusses the fast pace that people of his day were operating at, and that the result of that pace was low energy and high incidences of disease. Sound familiar? Peale suggests that we need to get into life’s rhythms, the rhythms our Maker designed us to have. One method he suggests is by losing ourselves in something much bigger than us. I believe anyone can do this by helping someone in need, volunteering, mentoring, sponsoring a child, etc. The list is endless and the size of the project is irrelevant. I have had the privilege and opportunity of volunteering at various disaster relief sites over the past several years and I believe that I received much more from those experiences than what I offered. It is easy to forget yourself and your problems when you get close to what other people are facing. I don’t care if it is someone facing the aftermath of a disaster, a friend with a serious illness, or any other tragedies life can sometimes throw our way. If you are involved in some way of making it better, you walk away appreciating your own life situation and what you have a great deal more. So, if you are looking to have more energy and be healthier in general, you might want to try Dr. Peale’s prescription and get into a better life rhythm – it definitely has worked for me.
How do you slow life’s pace down and get into a more peaceful rhythm? Let me know below.